“These updated results from CheckMate -816 are immensely important, as they show that the addition of nivolumab to chemotherapy provides sustained efficacy over three years when given before surgery and provide hope for the large portion of patients with non-small cell lung cancer facing high recurrence rates and for whom cure is not feasible with surgery alone,” said Nicolas Girard, M.D., Ph.D., CheckMate -816 investigator and professor and head of the Thorax Institute Curie-Montsouris. “As the first positive Phase 3 trial with an immunotherapy-based combination in the neoadjuvant setting, the results from CheckMate -816 have already contributed valuable knowledge to the scientific community studying resectable NSCLC. Now, with long-term data showing the combination can continue helping to prevent disease recurrence and progression for different types of patients, alongside an encouraging trend of longer overall survival, this regimen is poised to change the way non-metastatic NSCLC is treated.”