“The team did an outstanding job executing on a complex biomarker selected trial impacted by both the pandemic and the war in Ukraine. Although we are intrigued by the preliminary efficacy trends, particularly the landmark PFS and ORR in the lower vopra dose combination arm, the SELECT results do not support moving into registration studies as had been our previous goal. We will re-evaluate the vopra program in the context of our broader pipeline in the coming months,” said Richard Murray, Ph.D., chief executive officer and president of Jounce Therapeutics. “We continue to be pleased with pimi’s activity, which supports its continued use in our ongoing and future combination trials. We plan to submit a clinical abstract to present the entire SELECT study, including more mature data, at the ESMO Immuno-Oncology Congress in December 2022. We remain focused on our mission of delivering meaningful and long-lasting benefit to cancer patients through the discovery and pursuit of therapies that target new mechanisms of immune suppression across different types of immune cells, and bringing the right immunotherapies to the right patients.”