“ADU-1805 is a promising antibody that has been carefully optimized to maximize the potential benefit of blocking the SIRPα – CD47 checkpoint, while minimizing potential toxicities and allowing for treatment of the broadest population of appropriate patients. We believe that ADU-1805 represents a differentiated and potentially best-in-class approach to this pathway,” said Peter Lamb, Ph.D., Executive Vice President, Scientific Strategy and Chief Scientific Officer, Exelixis. “With an Investigational New Drug filing anticipated in the first quarter of 2023, this agreement provides an exciting opportunity to expand our clinical pipeline. There is a strong scientific rationale for blockade of this pathway in multiple solid tumor types and for combining ADU-1805 with XL092, our novel tyrosine kinase inhibitor, and with approved immune checkpoint inhibitors, further expanding the potential clinical and commercial value of ADU-1805.”