Exciting Leadership Change Announcement!

Dear MedNess Readers, we hope you are enjoying the great articles our writers are bringing to you but today, this is a different announcement – we want to share with you some exciting leadership changes at MedNess!

Effective April 2024, our beloved and long-time Social Media Manager, Siftjit Kaur, has been promoted to our new Managing Director! Siftjit has successfully contributed to MedNess growth since May 2022 and throughout this period, she has shown exemplary commitment and strength of character. We cannot wait for her to bring fresh energy and innovative ideas to our team to develop the MedNess platform! Please join us in congratulating her on this wonderful, well-deserved achievement!

In the same breath, we are excited to announce that our team has welcomed new members, Dr Isha Sharma, Dr. Malini Gupta, and Dr. Vinoth Kandelwal who will be keeping us up-to-date with their riveting write-ups on Metabolic disorders, Rare Diseases, and Disease Disruptors, respectively.

Also, manning our editorial and publishing front will be Dr. Jyothi Inampudi who has joined as the Managing Editor ably supported by Dr. Anusha Jayaraman, and Dr. Ananya Rakshit who will be posting our newsletter as the Social Media Manager under the guidance of Dr. Himanshi Agarwal.

This restructuring includes the stepping down of our founding Managing Director, Richa Tewari, as she needs some time to focus on her health. Richa had been the backbone of MedNess and instrumental in shaping the platform, as we know today. Since the inception of the platform, Richa has donned many hats, on the frontline as an author of Onco-This-Week, and behind the scenes as the Managing Director. Her efforts with Onco-This-Week have been recognized and appreciated by the recent acquisition of the weekly column by Rosenblatt LifeSciences Consultants. She enriched MedNess with her vision and leadership in the last 6+ years. A true leader has the ability to learn and grow with the ever-increasing demands and growth of an organization. Richa has blazed the trail by nurturing emerging talent, encouraging us all to bring our best to the table, and by being a shining example of commitment and determination.

We are also incredibly lucky to be supported by our long-standing Managing Editor, Shalini Roy Chaudhary, who has been successfully managing the publication for more than four years. As the senior Managing Editor of MedNess, Shalini had perfected the recipe of creating a flawless newsletter every week without fail throughout these years. Her commitment to MedNess has been exemplary. She has been one of the senior members in our team who has supported MedNess through thick and thin, guided new members, and created a path for the success of her team members. As she needs more time to focus on her professional career and life’s responsibilities, we are grateful to continue to receive her support and guidance as a Consultant.

Changes are difficult, but they are a part of growth. We all need space in our journeys for challenges and growth. We, at team MedNess, are sure that with these changes, we will continue to get many more opportunities to showcase the exceptional talent of our small community and create a path for others to follow.

Read the full story on Exciting Leadership Change Announcement!


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