“We are excited to work with Precigen and announce that the first patient, a CLL patient, has been dosed in the first-in-human study of PRGN-3007 UltraCAR-T,” said Javier Pinilla-Ibarz, MD, PhD, Senior Member, Lymphoma Section Head and Director of Immunotherapy, Malignant Hematology Department, Moffitt, and Principal Investigator for the PRGN-3007 clinical study. “ROR1 is a promising target for addressing a wide variety of tumors and we are hopeful that the PRGN-3007 study will further the development of this novel CAR-T treatment, which combines intrinsic PD-1 inhibition and ease of administration from the validated overnight manufacturing of UltraCAR-T performed at our medical center bringing therapy to patients within one day.”